There are many areas of society that benefit from the philanthropic activism. Many industries utilize non-profit methodologies to develop or expand services and products. Many hospitals, schools, colleges, healthcare agencies, agencies and social programs are categorized as a non-profit organization. These organizations are often times created or developed to drive awareness toward a specific trend or cause. These organizations utilize this publicity to make aware those who potentially will support the cause or movement around the trend.
Philanthropy and the organizations that make up the industry allow our communities to benefit from resources, services and products that are not available to that specific demographic any place else. The areas of society that the government or state cannot or will not reach; can receive aid or support due to the labor of the philanthropy industry as a whole.
Within philanthropy the assumed overall goal is to support or fix a social, educational, communal or health problem through organizational advancement. Organizational growth in most cases is dependent on the organizations ability to fund raise. This macro trend, non-profit fundraising; allows the organization to grow at various rates in pursuit of fixing or altering the specific problem. The organizations pursuit to fix this specific problem is labeled as the organization's mission or cause. These macro trends all contribute to the philanthropy industry and its growth by driving public awareness toward this specific cause or trend.

Along with the macro trends mentioned earlier, are also micro trends that are usually categorized as programs under the organization. Programs can be categorized as individual compartments within the organization that carry out a specific duty for a specific purpose. For example, one organization may specialize in homeless feeding and housing outreach and another organization may specialize in cancer curing research. Though both organization must grow and fund-raise, they differ in their causes and programs. Nonprofits are not one size fits all. It’s a network of industries, causes, and those who fight to make the world a better place in one way or another.
The Marshall's Dream Organization specializes in impoverished children support. Under this macro trend are many micro trends in the form of food for children, technology for children, shelter for children and educational support for children. Each micro trend is developed to support our overall mission. Our mission is to socially and educationally support impoverished youth through various services and products. Overall, philanthropy has been around since the beginning of civilization simply because the urban poor has been around since early civilization.